Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tao (KL Branch), Sunway Giza

Here is Tao, after so long eating, now oni blog it.. erm.. cant really rmbr d name of d food d luu.. but still rmbr what were d food and hw dey taste like.. no worries... haha...
I forgot the original price.. but since we reached there b4 even the shop is opened, so, we had an early bird discount, RM 52.20++/pax excluding 10+5% charges. d early bird discount u can get it b4 6pm? or 6.30pm?, i cant remember.
one thing abt Tao, is they will count the time. u only have 1.5 hours?(or at most 2) to fulfill ur lust or hunger.
Da menu.. the food choices are not as many as Jogoya, not as few as Kikyo, but they are all quite nice i would say, except d unagi. haha....
Food? what food is this? nah, not yet.. scroll down for food, dis is just the lighting there..
Well, I believe many people dont take fresh oysters, yea? cos many among my frens don take.. i dono y.. but me n my family like oysters alot.. weird.. the fresh oysters there are fresh, but oni if u take them fresh.. take it while u reach there.. don wait until last minute or what. maybe d aircond already dried out the moist? or something? or maybe its ur luck to pick d fresh one? i took twice, d first time ones was better than 2nd one. pick wisely.
Da Prawns.. i believe them are not sashimi, u know y? because they are red!! yo! i din try this out, cos im a lazy bum, i kinda lazy to pick out d shell bit by bit..
my favorite caviar sushi. nothing special, as usual, just caviar n "sushi" it up.. =p
Sushi time! d left one i blif was some sashimi top with caviar, as i din try out. d right one was d egg sushi. d fried egg looks so compact, rite?
wuu... so orange n so eye sore, rite? the lighting there were not balance la, kinda hard to shoot.. but still can recognise dis fela? they are the SALMON sushi~~
The shrimp sushi and the tuna sushi
and ALL sorts of sushi'ssssss.. of cos there are much more that cant make them all into a frame of photo.
The sweetened cashew nuts.. dey are served in a bowl as seen, not piece by piece one, yea?
What else dey can be? Shashimi! start from 1)salmon, 2)red snappers + ?, 3)red tuna, 4)octopus, squid, scallops(bokeh-blurred d), and some other seafood. All r quite normal, as usual, just sashimi, but i kinda regret to try out red snapper's sashimi. it isnt my taste of food, n its abit hard to chew. I would recommend the scallops(as shown in picture below).. i wonder hw dey were cooked, but they are definitely sweet n nice to chew n very very nice!! taste good n so good..
My seafood sashimi platter
some other readily cooked food, and corns
Here goes the teriyaki corner.. pick whatever u like, n u drop ur clips, hot teriyaki will serve right to ur table later.
ohh.. my lovely dovey.... my cute little crab cheesy pillow... inside are all CHEESE~~ its super dupper nice if u do love cheese, but one thing is, u will feel full after taking few pieces.. too bad, huh? this is really nice!
oh.. dis is my real time favorite oso.. i loved it since d first visit to Tao in Penang-- Cheese Baked Scallops. again, very full feelings after taking few pieces cos of d cheese. this cheese is different from the previous cheese, but i couldnt say their names..
Looks like? yea.. rite, its cheese baked salmon! its nice if u nt full.. lol
The garlic salmon. no lie, its really very very rich flavor of garlic, dn take d garlic pieces with d fish, or u will feel d bitterness of d garlic.
This is what i don like in Tao, their unagi must served with tofu and d gravy? soup? d watery feeling thingy, n everything taste so badly.. d taste of d preserved unagi has been gone, leaving there d tasteless unagi piece. d skin of d tofu, soaked in d soup, n fell off.. leaving the tasteless tofu.. n everything is just so ewwy.. its d first time i truly gave up on d unagi that i couldnt finish it.
The cawamushi, here abit different, cos its name is sharkfin cawamushi.. as per shown in photos, d transparent thingy, so called sharkfin.. well.. sharkfin.. its nt bad, quite nice i'd say. they had another layer of gravy on top.
Its a piece of salmon, wrapping a quail's egg n some caviar toppings. u may imagine d taste of it. not much special flavor on it.
erm... i kinda forgot what dish is this.. fish? chicken? squill? or what? erm.. js some sort of meat la.. XD
There are still some food, maybe missed out n forgot to shoot, but here comes my own dessert platter.. tarts, pudding, cake, puff, n mochi
Tarts, cakeys n puddings
Yea, choco fondue!! a small little fondue beside the ice cream corner.. not many choices for ice cream, n nothing grand or special abt ice cream, just ice cream, but u can hv dis fondue, just pick ur flavor of ice cream, tell that waiter, n he will do it for u..
n guess what, my fren, d betrayer Tee, after getting his, he stood there, finish his ice cream, n cut Q of another fren to get another one.. greedy, rite? really a betrayer, huh?
When the time is almost done, dey will tell u its last call, n when d time has reached, they will bring the bill to ur table..
i dono whether is it my fren too kan chiong or nvr pay "extra service charges".. aft we paid d bill, due to satisfaction, he wanted to pay "tipsi" to the waiter n waitress.. when she wanna gif us d customer copy of receipt, b4 even she put down d holder, he alr fast fast slot those RM1 notes into d holder. n d waitress sort of stunt n nga nga, "huh" she said. then i was there in front of him, so shame n dono what to do... just can stop him from being kan chiong.. swt... dis is d first time i see ppl pay "tipsi" like dis.. haha... what a big joke... nyway, just an extra reminder, 10% service charge is alr included, its up to u to pay extra tips, but rmbr, don pay like hw my fren did... or ur fren will dono what to do like hw i did....

Last but not least, dis is not soomething from Tao, but rather some other shop at sunway giza opposite Full House restaurant, just a cacat punya robot, lack of hand n gun oso cacat dah.

Tao Authentic Asia Cuisine,
Sunway Giza Shopping Mall,
2nd Floor, no.2 Jln PJU 5/14, Kota Damansara, 47810 PJ.
Tel 03-61482826


keng said...

oh~~~ im desperating for japanese cuisine so bad recently

No Na Me said...

haha.. i found one in OUG/Jln P.ramlee, xenri.. if wan, aft finals lets go together to explore explore luuu....



Lost in Huang Gourmet?